Aura Colours – Reds

Photo of Katina surrounded by a bright red aura with orange highlights at the top
A red aura is full of spirit, passion and life. The hint of orange at at the top shows the intellect and determination to follow through with creative ideas

Red and Red/Orange Auras

Bright clear shades tend to denote positive qualities. When they are present in a person’s aura, they indicate that the person is in a healthy and balanced condition.

Dull muddy shades suggest negative quality. When these appear in the aura they can indicate physical disease, emotional turmoil, or mental unrest.

For example, a red aura shows passion, energy, and excitement, but a dark, gloomy red may point to a person who is using too much energy and is experiencing mental stress.

Red is exciting and stimulating. Think of a beautiful red sunset, or red blood pumping through the body, or a passionate red heart.

Red is full of the spirit of physical life and the will to live. It’s adrenaline, determination, fire, and drive. Tireless energy, passion, and excitement.

Red gives you a dynamic push that drives you on to greater things. It gives you willpower and enthusiasm to carry on.

In the aura, a clear bright red suggests generosity, ambition, and affection. Dark red indicates courage. Deep red speaks of passion. Areas of sharp dark deep red can indicate hatred and anger. A reddish brown-red shows sensuality. Whereas a cloudy red points to greed and cruelty. Lots of dark red can indicate excess energy leading to physical and mental stress.

The addition of orange hints brings wholeness and harmony. A red/orange combination can indicate creative ideas, with the red energy bringing the drive to complete these ideas.

Examples of Red Aura Combinations

Red/orange: Right now you are driven to express yourself! You want to bring out and promote your creative ideas and inspiration. You now have the confidence and certainty to stand on your own and show the world who you really are. “Creative” and “dynamic” would best describe you. You are a lively and entertaining companion and usually find yourself the center of attention in most social situations. You may be an inspired entertainer or artist or perhaps an entrepreneur with an original product. Whatever you do, people are entranced by your charisma and originality.

Orange/red: At this point in time, you are driven to bring out and promote your creative ideas and inspiration. You have the confidence and certainty to stand on your own and show the world who you really are. “Creative” and “dynamic” would best describe you now. You may be an inspired entertainer or artist or perhaps an entrepreneur with an original product. Whatever you do, people are entranced by your charisma and originality.

Red: At this time, you are experiencing a time of challenge with an action­ packed schedule, barely leaving you time to breathe, let alone sleep. You have a lot to do, and you have the energy and power to move mountains at this point in your life. You may find yourself acting as a dynamic leader or find yourself in the limelight or the center of attention. You are definitely being noticed. You have so much energy you sometimes don’t know what to do with it. You may exhaust the people around you with your incredible enthusiasm.

Intense Red: You may be experiencing one of several things: you may be feeling super energized, powerful or most likely you are experiencing a time of intense activity, feeling strong emotions to the extreme. You may be feeling so ambitious and full of energy that you may even forget to sleep. Your entire being is a volcano of passionate life force energy exploding in many directions. Your social life and career thrill and inspire you at the present time. With a band of this color arching above your head near the top of the photo, you aspire to have many exciting, adventurous, and passionate experiences.

Read more about aura photos here.

Read more about different colours in auras: Reds, Orange, Yellow, and Gold, Green, Turquoise, and Blue, and Pink and Purple.

Interesting in having your own aura photo taken? Found out more here.