
Photo of a Temperance Tarot card with silhouettes of a female meditating and exercising against a sunset
Temperance, the 14th card or the Tarot, representing alchemy, balance, and harmony.

The Temperance card is a deeply inspiring and empowering symbol within the Tarot, embodying balance, healing, and harmony. It’s the 14th card of the Major Arcana and often depicts an angelic figure, which many associate with the archangel Michael, pouring liquid between two cups. This imagery is rich with meaning, suggesting the flow and alchemy of life. The angel stands with one foot on land and the other in water, symbolising the balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

The Temperance card encourages moderation and finding the middle path. It speaks to the idea of blending opposites and finding equilibrium. In a reading, it might suggest that it’s time to evaluate where you are exerting too much energy or not enough, urging you to seek a more balanced approach. This can apply to all aspects of life, from emotional and spiritual pursuits to relationships and work.

It’s a reminder of the importance of staying grounded while also reaching for the spiritual, integrating different aspects of your being and your practice to create something harmonious and healing.

The card also symbolises patience and adaptation. Change doesn’t happen overnight, and the Temperance card encourages embracing the journey of transformation with patience, understanding that everything comes in its own time and cycle. It encourages exploring through your own processes of healing and self-discovery.

Additionally, Temperance can be a call to explore alchemical practices in your own life, whether that’s through combining different therapeutic techniques, incorporating new spiritual practices, or finding innovative ways to blend your passions and skills to uplift and empower those around you.

In essence, the Temperance card invites you to continue walking your talk, embodying balance, and demonstrating the beauty of a harmonious life to your clients. It’s a powerful reminder of the strength found in flexibility, the wisdom in moderation, and the transformative power of integrating our diverse parts into a coherent, balanced whole.

Angel Cards and Tarot Readings are available in Lowestoft, Norwich, and online.

Read more about the Major Arcana, The Tarot and Angel cards and Tarot card spreads in my blog.

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