Spring Equinox

Yellow tulips with a red tinge
Tulips, a symbol of Spring

The Spring Equinox is when day and night are equal lengths.

The earth rotates around the sun on a tilted axis. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, we experience warmer, longer days. When the Northern Hemisphere tilts towards the sun, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away, experiencing colder and shorter days.

During the spring (and fall equinox), the sun is directly over the Earth’s equator and day and night lengths are equal for most of the planet. This means about 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.

In the UK, it marks the first day of Spring. The days are getting longer and warmer now, and the nights start to become shorter.

Festival of Balance

This Equinox is about balance, harmony, and the beginning of a new cycle.

Often knowns as the festival of balance because light and dark are balanced. Balance can mean many things. The balance of the active energy of the Sun and the receptive energy of the Moon. The balance of the inner world and outer world. And of course, balance within ourselves.

Every action has a reaction. Your physical, mental, and spiritual levels are interlinked. What you eat and how you move, what you think, and your spiritual awareness affects your everyday life.

The Equinox is the perfect time to understand how this balanced flow of energy affects what you attract into your life and who you become.


Oestre is the Goddess of Light and brings fertility with the Spring. This rebirth is represented by eggs as a symbol of new life.

Everything in nature is coming alive and awakening. The sun gains strength as the days start to get longer and warmer. Spring flowers are blooming, eggs are hatching, baby lambs are being born and other animals are preparing to have their young.

First Day of Spring

Weather scientists divide the year into quarters to make it easier to compare seasonal and monthly statistics from one year to the next. Meteorologically speaking, the official first day of spring is 1st March (and the last is 31st May).

Whereas, astronomically speaking, the first day of spring is marked by the Spring Equinox, which falls on 19th, 20th or 21st March every year. The equinox happens at the same moment worldwide, although our clock times reflect a different time zone.

This year the Spring Equinox is on Monday 20th March 2023 at 9.24 pm.

New Moon in Aries

The March new moon will occur on Tuesday, 21st March 2023 at 5.23 pm.

New moons are the cosmic resets of the astrological world. They give us a fresh start each month, a time to pause and reflect and plan the moon month ahead.

While most new moons can be a period of rest, this new moon, in the fire sign of Aries, can deliver just the spark of energy and inspiration that we’ve been waiting for.

This is a time of possibility and hopes for the future.

The Yin Yang symbol is the perfect symbol of balance

Honouring the Energy of the Equinox

If you can, go for a walk outside in nature and notice the signs of Spring. If you can’t get outside, gaze on nature, notice how the trees, plants, and flowers are starting to bud and bloom

Create an altar or a place where you can sit and ponder. Bring together things that will help you to focus on balance, awakening, and new life.

You could paint eggs or decorate eggs.

Make a display of Spring flowers.

Create a symbol of balance, such as the yin yang, a spiral, or a Celtic cross, out of crystals or pebbles. Use a combination of light and dark stones.

Spring clean. Clear out the old, get rid of clutter, clean and dust the cobwebs, move furniture and ornaments around to welcome in change, and get ready to welcome the new.

Reflect on the different areas of your life. What can you do to bring more balance into your life? Celebrate what you have achieved so far this year. Then plan your next phase.

Plant new seeds of herbs and flowers. Also, plant the ideas and seeds of what you want to grow this year.

Try this simple 3-card reading to gain clarity. Or use my simple one card guidance to help you find balance this Spring Equinox.

Think of this as the start of a new cycle or a new adventure. The energy of the Spring Equinox combined with the energy of the New Moon is the perfect time for realignment and renewal.

Read more about the Spring Equinox in 2024 here.