7 The Year of Magic

Image showing the year 2023 adding up to seven. 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7
2023 is year 7, the year of magic

Happy New Year!

What was the highlight of 2022 for you? And what are you looking forward to in 2023?

I loved watching the Lionesses playing and winning the FIFA World Cup. For me, personally, I was very honoured to win an award from the Federation of Small Businesses and be named their Self-Employed Person of the year. I am excited to see what 2023 has to offer.

So, what does 2023 have in store? In numerology, the study of numbers, 2023 is a seven. You calculate this by adding the numbers together to get a single digit, i.e. 2+0+2+3 = 7.

When I think of numerology I like to describe it as the symbolism of numbers. Each number has an energy sequence that activates symbols within the right side of our brain. While the left side of our brain gives concrete interpretations of numbers.

Number seven is the number of mystery and perfection. Seven is often used a lucky number. When you think of the power of number seven there are many archetypal ideas that come to mind. For example there are seven days of the week, seven seas, seven colours in the rainbow, seven labours of Hercules, seven tribes of Rome, seven pillars of wisdom, seven wonders of the ancient world and the mythical powers of the seventh child of the seventh child.

Seven speaks of high standards, whether these are high standards of health, cleanliness, intellectual endeavour, deep thought or even unconventional ideas. With seven, there is a tendency for reflection rather than action. Remember of course, in order to acheive what you want, it is important that you act!

This an important year, giving you a rest from the battlefront of the last two years. Although you may find demands placed on your mental and organisation skills. Quality and perfection are suddenly hugely important. This can sometimes stop you from moving forward or even getting started for a fear of not being good enough.

Seven can also be reflective and private, and at times may be quite restless. There is often the urge to do something great, but no idea where to start or what to do.

The good news is that goals will be obtainable. This is a magical year to dream big. But no one is going to hand what you want on a silver platter! You will come through this through your own endeavour.  The important thing to realise is that it is your own hard work and persistence that will get you through.

This is a year for manifesting your goals – visualising them, seeing yourself triumphant and continually moving towards your vision. If you lose sight of your goal you may get distracted by others, losing your opportunities and precious time.

Instead opt for a calm, gentle, unhurried approach. Don’t make hasty decisions. Reflect, dream, then take action in a calm way.

This is a time for mental, spiritual, and physical house-cleaning.  Avoid minor health grievances by eating healthily and getting and keeping fit.

This is a time for rest, relaxing holidays, peace, study, research, writing, reading, and clearing out all the necessary junk in your life. Listen to your intuition.

We can finally clear out all that junk from the previous two years as we move into a happier, lighter and more positive year than any we have experienced for some time. 

Anticipate a year of joy and be willing to follow your heart.  Seek to do what your heart wants, and watch the magic of seven unfold.